• Course

    Design Bootcamp
  • Role

    Art Direction, Graphic Design
  • Year


Title Card for a Video Game Tournament

This was a project I created for Design Bootcamp, a course from School of Motion. In this fictional scenario, Twitch.tv is providing live coverage of a huge video game tournament called The Supernova Cup. This tournament features the world’s best DotA 2 players, and it’s basically Coachella for fans of the game. Twitch will be running promos for their coverage as pre-roll ads on live streams, and they want a bit of design for the graphics on the promo. I created a title card that includes the Twitch logo and the tune-in information for the tournament.


A video game controller against a violet and magenta backdrop with delicate light rays behind it; the text reads "The Supernova Cup, July 23-25"

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