• Client

  • Role

    Planning, Instructional Design, Writing, Graphic Design
  • Year


The training modules for Salesforce Mobile are loaded on a cluster of devices, an iMac, iPhone, and iPad

The Project and Context

In 2016, Salesforce had a suite of mobile apps and mobile development tools that customers used to transform their business and improve employee productivity. And many Salesforce customers were interested in harnessing the power of mobile, but they had no idea how to get started.


Because of my extensive experience with mobile development at Salesforce, the Salesforce Content Experience Team hired me as a contract writer to develop a set of self-paced training modules to help Salesforce customers take advantage of the mobile apps and tools available on the Salesforce platform.


The new training modules would be published to Trailhead, which is Salesforce’s free online learning platform with over 3 million subscribers.


My Role

For this project, I was responsible for the following:


  • Research and Planning
  • Instructional Design
  • Writing
  • Graphic Design
  • Video Production


The Audience and Their Needs

The target audience was Salesforce administrators who wanted to build and deploy mobile apps to their employees, partners, or customers. These admins generally weren’t new to Salesforce, but they were likely new to mobile. 


By talking to product managers and conducting research with Salesforce customers, I gathered some important insights:


  • Salesforce customers were most successful when they had a comprehensive strategy for implementing mobile, but many customers didn’t know how to create a mobile development strategy.
  • Many admins didn’t understand the Salesforce mobile ecosystem. They weren’t sure about their options for getting mobile apps into the hands of their users.
  • Some Salesforce admins who implemented mobile were experiencing low rates of user adoption because they didn’t know they needed a plan for rolling out mobile apps.
  • Salesforce customers were concerned about mobile security, and they weren’t sure how to manage their employees’ mobile devices.


The Solution

I developed a complete set of mobile training modules for Salesforce called Transform Your Business with Mobile. The learning path on Trailhead consisted of these five modules:



A screenshot of the Mobile Strategy Development module in Trailhead

The Mobile Strategy Development Module on Trailhead


A screenshot of the Salesforce Mobile App Customization module on Trailhead

The Salesforce Mobile App Customization Module on Trailhead


A screenshot of the Salesforce Mobile App Rollout module on Trailhead

The Salesforce Mobile App Rollout Module on Trailhead


A screenshot of the Branded Mobile Apps module on Trailhead

The Branded Mobile Apps Module on Trailhead


The Process


Research and Planning

To kick off the content development process, I met with Salesforce Mobile product managers to understand the business need for the training modules, establish requirements and scope, and find out what PMs hear from customers about the process of implementing mobile. 


I also planned and conducted a research study to learn more about the needs and goals of Salesforce customers who want to get started with mobile, as well as understand best practices for developing and deploying mobile apps. I interviewed internal subject matter experts, Salesforce customers, and Salesforce consultants who implement mobile. 


Instructional Design

After analyzing the needs of the audience, I planned a series of five mobile training modules. I defined the learning objectives for each module, created lesson outlines, and developed learning assessments (quiz questions and interactive challenges).



After completing the planning process, I started writing the content for each of the modules. Writing for Trailhead is unique because it blends instructional design, technical writing, and copywriting. You have to be able to create learning scenarios and storylines while also explaining highly technical subjects in a fun, conversational way. 


Check out examples of my writing using these links:


  • Read Unit 1 of the Mobile Strategy Development module
  • Read Unit 1 of the Salesforce Mobile App Customization module


Graphic Design

I designed the graphics and illustrations for two of the Trailhead modules: Mobile Strategy Development and Branded Mobile Apps for Mobile Publisher. Below are a few examples of the graphics I created.


An illustration showing a row of arms reaching up, and each arm has a hand holding a mobile phone

Illustration Concept: The Mobile Revolution Has Transformed Every Aspect of Our Lives


A colorful illustration depicting a mobile phone with a bullseye on the screen, surrounded by graphs and charts that represent metrics and data

Illustration Concept: Establish Success Metrics to Guide Your Mobile Development Strategy


An illustration depicting the cycle of mobile design and development

Illustration Concept: The Cycle of Mobile Design and Development


An illustration depicting a cloud that radiates lines out to colorful icons that represent different platforms and devices: a phone, tablet, laptop, and computer

Illustration Concept: Access CRM Data from Any Device or Platform


Video Production

One of the training modules—Mobile Device Security and Management—required a video tutorial to demonstrate how an administrator can manage their employees’ mobile devices. I researched and planned the video with PM and engineering, wrote the script, and recorded the demo. 


Unfortunately the training module was deprecated due to technology changes, so it’s not possible to view the video anymore. To check out another video I produced, see the Salesforce Customer 360 Explainer Video project.


Review and Launch

When the modules were complete, I solicited feedback from stakeholders and subject matter experts, and then the modules were reviewed by a Trailhead editor and copy editor. After incorporating feedback and making final changes, the modules were published to Trailhead.